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Online Group Math Courses

All students welcome, though mindfully structured for students who communicate by pointing and spelling. 

Course Information

Time and Duration

Online groups courses are offered fall semester (late August - November) and spring semester (late January - April) for 12 weeks and summer semester (June - July) for 6 weeks. Click here to see offerings for the upcoming semester.



Classes meets once weekly as a group, live via Zoom video conferencing, during fall and spring and twice weekly during summer. During scheduled video conferences, students will have an opportunity to interact virtually together as a group of mathematical learners. Dr. Jen will lead the group through a discussion of concepts covered during the previous week’s assignments and preview upcoming concepts for the following week. Additionally, a guided video with an accompanying assignment is provided each week via google classroom with a mixture of closed, semi-open, and open questions in order to support various communication and learning styles. 


Students who communicate by pointing and spelling are welcome to use whatever communication tools work best for them, though it is strongly recommended to use a MathBoardTM, available for purchase through All Minds Math, LLC. Ongoing instructor support is provided throughout the week via google classroom. If needed, extra, private video conferencing support can be arranged for an additional fee. 





Assessments & Credits

Assessments can cause some students anxiety and therefore, these are entirely optional. However, if students need documentation/evidence for homeschool credit or placement purposes, Dr. Jen is happy to provide a certificate of attendance and completion, and a report of scores on graded assessments. More elaborate written progress reporting can also be provided for an additional fee.


Cost: $825/semester


Sample Course Syllabi

Click the course title to see course syllabi. 



Fall Semester 2020 Schedule

The schedule for Fall Semester is under development and will be updated soon!

Fall 2020 Schedule
Assessments & Credits

Not sure which course is right? Want to request a course?


 Contact Dr. Jen 

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